Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Confident Methods Of Training Dogs

Confident Methods Of Training Dogs can endow with a remarkable extent of contentment. Every dog ought to be familiar with the minimum fundamentals for coexisting with people – sit, come, do not jump on people, stay, and so on. Other than the fundamentals, there are a never ending range of things you and your dog can take pleasure in doing collectively. Dogs, who are a delight to be with, have much more suppleness in what they can do with persons, and so they have more enjoyment. Constructive dog training techniques are a lot simpler to use, as well.

So what are Confident Methods Of Training Dogs? Various people will describe them in a different way, but as a rule of thumb they are methods that let you to teach your dog without causing it physical hurt. As a result these techniques add to your dogs' innate faith and enthusiasm. Dr. Ian Dunbar, Karen Pryor, Silvia Kent, Linda Tellington-Jones, and others have to a great extent stretched out the reputation of this ground in current years. Teaching dogs can be a deal for both humans and dogs!

The rules that are behind these techniques are resulting from logical technical study - proper backing up is a vital part of this method. Clicker training dogs is possibly the best identified instance, but there are other techniques too. In clicker training, a tiny noisemaker is clicked at the very instant that the dog does just what you want it to. It is more specific than saying "Good!" or something else. Then a goody is given, at a small amount of the time.

There are considerate people who support the cautious use of procedures that do cause hurt in teaching dogs, in particular when the trouble seems difficult. I consider that in teaching dogs, many techniques will work. But it is inspiring that many dog owners and instructors have traversed over to using only pain free, constructive Confident Methods Of Training Dogs.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Remote Dog Training Collar

Most dog owners wish that they could have more control over their dogs. With remote dog training collar, however, you can get what you want, i.e., better control with more comfort, and making sure that you are leading your dog more effectively. You will find that there are basically two types of head halters that are available for dogs. One type is known as the gentle leader and the other type is known as the Halti.

Though both remote dog training collar are useful, the gentle leader has an advantage because of its better design that ensures better control. The design is simpler, as it settles behind your dog’s ears and then goes around the muzzle. Under the dogs chin, it is connected with nylon straps. But do not confuse it with muzzle. The dog can be controlled simply by using of general leader to control his nose. This is sure to make your dog follow.

The second type of do training collar is the Halti. It has been made following the same type of principles as the gentle leader. However the design is much more complex and this can even cause problems as it might interfere with its functioning. Infact, at times, these dog training collars have been known to cause injuries in the neck and the spine of the dog.

There is another type of dog collar available that looks kind of intimidating. This is known as the prong collar which is quite effective for controlling dogs that are large, and have a thick neck. However these are not meant for those that yank in your arms. The collar, that tries to pinch the dog’s neck by using light pressure, may remind you of a torture device used in the medieval times. However, as the pressure is mild, it does not really hurt the dog, and thus it does not cause any harm. It only helps to make sure that your dog moves in the right direction. These dog training collars must not be used for dogs that tend to steadily pull on the leash, since this is essentially a correction device, not a constant collar. This type of a remote dog training collar should not be used if you have just become a dog owner, and extensive studying on its use is yet to be done.

Also, it is always advisable to consult your vet before you fit it to your pet.

An old type of a standby, known as the choke chain, is also available. As it comes in last it is definitely not for the novice. There have been many studies proving that a number of neck injuries are caused with this type of collar. Therefore it is not advisable to use these dog collars, unless you are quite an experienced trainer.

So, when you are selecting a remote dog training collar, get some information on their proper use and use some common sense too. You and you dog are sure to make a happy pair!

Monday, 19 April 2010


Despite what it seems to be from a distance, dog training tip doesn’t need you to be a fearless Hercules, all it asks of you is to keep a few basics in mind. First, establish who the boss is, remind your dog again and again that you are the one on two feet while he is still on all fours, and thus what you say is Gospel and what he barks is not. Second, speak in a tone which oozes superiority, something on the lines of your first grade math teacher. Third, routine is everything so keep your dog training tip tactics consistent. Once you master these three techniques you will be the master of every single dog around!

Your heart might melt into a mush every time your cute little pup cocks his head, but don’t let that get in the way of your establishing who the master is. Go gooey eyed too frequently and you are likely to pay with your carpets and sandals, which it will most merrily chew through. Treat your pup the way you would treat a little kid, setting it strict boundaries and letting it know what goes and what most definitely doesn’t. Establish gestures like pointing etc. which will give the dog a cue to act in a certain way.

You might not think it possible but dogs, like your kids, can tell when you mean business, slacken up a bit with them and they’ll know you can be taken for a ride. Interestingly enough they also have this instinct for intonation; be strict when you want him to stay put at the yard, but be enthusiastic when you are asking him if he would like to go for a walk. It’s funny how you’ll see your own mood reflected in his responses. This is the primary step for you to establish the kind of communication with your dog which will allow you to calm him or set him up for work with a single word.

One of the main methods of training your dog is to keep a certain consistency in your approach towards him. Keep your intonations, gestures and words for expressing dissatisfaction the same every time, so that he gets used to the idea easily. A young pup who grows up with a certain set of commands will respond to them more promptly than one who is frequently confused by conflicting orders. The more consistent your commands are, the better trained your dog is, the better trained your dog is the greater your confidence in him regarding his obedience to you. A few other ways of establishing consistency are to use the same door when taking your doggie out for a walk, give him the same kind of pat every night before retiring for the day, so that he knows exactly what time it is.

Little things like these will help you predict your dog’s behavior more accurately.
Most importantly, however, remember to shower your love and affection on the little one, continue your training through little games which he might enjoy, and remember to treat him every time he does a task well, after all like a child it too needs to be appreciated and given its bit of fun.

Sunday, 18 April 2010

House Training Puppies

One of the most annoying things about pet dogs is their habit of answering to calls of nature almost anywhere they feel like it. Your bedroom rug, the drawing room sofa, your Persian carpet; everything seems as good a place as any for your little pup to go cool his bladders on.

If you have just brought your pup home therefore, buckle up and get ready to save your upholstery and carpets by means of a simple method we call house training puppies.

Now, here’s what house training puppies is all about. We humans tend to visit the loo when we feel like we must relieve ourselves, in one way or the other (thank god for that!). However, our pooches don’t have mother potty training them at the age of 1, telling them to take a crap at some fixed time on a shiny blue potty, and hence they tend to treat everything like a big ol’ lavatory. And that would be ok if we were dogs perhaps but most average human beings tend not to like that sort of thing. So what we have to do is potty train our doggies ourselves. And this training, to cut a long story short, is what we call ‘housebreaking’.

Now, facts first. Remember,

• No pup is able to keep himself from peeing or …well…relieving himself in some other form, till about 12 weeks of age. Your attempts at training your dog therefore must begin before this.
• Most puppies need to engage in bathroom related activities approximately 6-7 times a day
• Every time your dog seems to be following its tail rather slowly, and doing giddy rounds around a non-descriptive area put your shoes on to take it out cause it’s getting ready to relieve itself
• Take your dog out every time it has a meal because food immediately puts pressure on its colon and bladder.

The first lesson in housebreaking, ‘communicate with your dog’. Make sure you let your dog know that you don’t like him peeing all over the drawing room loud and clear. No there isn’t any need to use violence; just a loud “NO’ should do the trick. For best results catch him in the act so that he has no problem in associating the rebuke with the exact action.

Keep a keen eye on your pooch. As soon as he looks like he could do with a visit to the good old lavatory take him out. Once he relieves himself at the right place pat him to show how much you appreciate the fact that he didn’t pee all over your favorite rug. Give him a biscuit, and an appreciative nod and he’ll know.

See, dogs are like politicians, always eager to please. They will do anything to get cuddled and patted by their masters, thus it’s always easy to make them do things as per your requirements. You want him to pee outside? Show him how happy you are when he does so and he’ll do it always, you want him to crap every morning? Give him a friendly pat and he’ll bound off to be at it everyday. For your part make sure you know your dog’s habits, build your routine round his, try and find out what his usual urinating or defecating times are, is it after dinner? Before going to bed? Or right in the morning? Take him out accordingly.

Proper communication will ensure your pooch's proper health and your peace, and of course a clean bedroom rug.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Dog Training Tricks

Training your dog is something that each and every owner of a pet has to associate with. You have to use time doing what requires to be done and carrying it out efficiently. Pet owners who do not train their animals effectively will have to go through difficulty down the road with misconduct and distressed neighbors. It is worthwhile to get the dog training tricks through as soon as feasible.

But how?

How can you successfully bring into play dog training tricks? There are a number of techniques out there and you can make an effort to try all of them. You have these choices for the reason that every person has a distinct notion or apprehension in relation to which is the top technique obtainable. You will probably employ more than one technique before you can come across something that suits you fine. Even as all these techniques work, you are the person who should execute them successfully as the owner of the pet. Read on for a few opinions to mull over on the topic of dog training.

One alternative that you have is consenting to a proficient person to do the job for you. This is to a certain extent a helpful manner in particular when you are not at home or capable to give over the time and stamina required to train the dog correctly. It can be expensive however you can in addition find dog trainers who will do it for a lot less than others.

A different technique that can be thought about in dog training tricks is that of making use of training collars. These do the job in a range of methods. A few work by sending out a sound that is painful to the dog, if he does anything wrong. Others function by giving off a small electrical shock to the dog if he goes out of line. These techniques, both of them, are certainly of use.

And, both of these techniques are absolutely safe and sound for your pet as dog training gadgets.
Of course, you can make use of your own techniques of dog training tricks as well. One way to keep the dog inspired when doing the right thing is to give them an award. Dog training does not have to be hard when you give consent to others to assist you to come across the right way to get the job done.

Friday, 16 April 2010

Dog Training Course

Every dog owner must take up dog training Course to know and handle a dog better. Appreciating a well-mannered dog is something that all can do, training is what makes things difficult. Now, there are many kinds of dog training available but not all will suit your dog.

Most dog owners and also people in general are unaware of the various kinds of dog trainings provided. The types of dog training Course change with the varying stages of development in the dog.

While some dogs have never been trained, some others have already undertaken training before. Therefore, it becomes all the more essential to analyze and know what type of dog training your dog needs.

The first level of dog training Course is the basic dog training. The basic training is meant for beginners — either a puppy or a grown-up dog that is being trained for the first time. This level includes only the rudiments — how to make a dog sit, stay and come when called. Some part of it also aims at teaching the dog to socialize with other dogs and people in a proper way. This is particularly given to puppies. And if your dog had never taken training before, this basic level is where to start with.

The next level is the intermediate level. This level of dog training is not for puppies, but for those adult dogs that have undertaken the basics either formally or at home by their own owners. This intermediate type of training trains a dog to heel, walk properly on a leash, fetch something and return. It also revises the basics of sitting, staying and coming etc.

The third and final type of dog training is the advanced course. This level is only meant for those dogs which have been through a minimum of one training course before and have passed it too. Here, in the advanced level, the different elements of the basic and intermediate courses are revised in details right at the start of the course. Then it goes to train the dog to act according to various commands and hand signals like “come”, “stay”, “sit”, “heel”, “fetch”, “lie down” et al.

When the dog gets accustomed to hand signals, the advanced course takes care of teaching the dog how to walk and stay beside the master at all times even without a leash. It also teaches the dog to have focus in its master, that is, to pay attention and stop getting distracted. The advanced level of dog training is usually suited to very obedient and well-mannered dogs.

Like all good trainings, dog trainings should also have motivators like prizes and rewards to yield better and more positive results. Hitting and yelling at the dog to make it pick up one action is not a wise technique while training. Instead of being a success, chances are that it will give negative output. So you must make sure that the dog training Course you assign your dog is a positive one, which indulges in positive strategies.

You must also be careful about choosing the right course for your dog—the course best-suited to it. That way, you may soon be able to boast of owning a dog that is obedient, well-mannered, well adjusted and the perfect pet one can have!

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Dog Clicker Training

If you are looking to train your dog you might consider using the ‘dog clicker training’ method, which has recently become popular amongst dog trainers all over the country.

In this method the trainer has to make use of a clicker, a tiny plastic box with a metal button which makes a distinctive click sound once the button has been pressed. The training method is simple and is in many ways parallel to the positive training method.

Here is what you have to do. Decide on a certain behavior which you want to teach or reinforce your dog to do. A number of behaviors/actions come naturally to the dog like sitting, eating, standing, barking etc. and these need just to be reinforced so that your dog knows when you want him to do what.

Various other actions like acting dead, shaking hands, rolling over etc. do not come naturally to the dog and need to be taught.Dog Clicker training can be used to do both.

Dog Clicker training works according to the basic principles of operant conditioning, by associating the sound of the clicker with a food item which the dog particularly likes. Now all you have to do is use the clicker to command the dog to do something, the dog, given that he associates the sound of the clicker with the food, immediately obliges and the training is complete.

Let us take an example to illustrate the method better, suppose you want to teach your dog to sit, you put a cookie on your dog's nose playfully and then move it upwards, the dog will obviously follow the movement of the biscuit with its nose and will then naturally rest its posterior on the floor, thereby putting himself in a sitting position. Now time your clicking to be so accurate as to occur right as the dog seats himself, now give him the biscuit and praise him.

Continue doing this for sometime till the dog begins to associate the clicking with the food until the click makes him sit without you luring him with treats. Now teach him another behavior, but remember to attach the clicking cue only once the animal himself offers you the behavior otherwise the clicking will not be connected to anything in the dog's head and he will be confused regarding what it means.

Your dog is one smart little animal and it's time you gave him due credit for that. A number of trainers have been known to use negative reinforcement techniques alongside the clicker method but this simply doesn’t work because punishment at all times creates a number of unwanted behavior even if it serves the primary purpose of teaching the dog to not do something temporarily.

Any kind of training is a strenuous and rigorous process and needs time and patience. Although dog clicker training method has a high success rate it might not work for certain types of dogs, if you see that it’s not working for your pet you would be well advised to use some other technique to teach it tricks.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Dog Training Collar

Whether the worry is to teach your dog or pass on an individuality to it, dog collars and straps represent a vital role. Dog collars are available in a selection of forms, dimensions and fashions, and are much of a style statement these days. A dog collar may well be a reprieve for your puppy if, God forbid, it runs away from your home.

With such an extensive selection of dog collars to be had, opting for the appropriate one for your puppy can be to a certain extent nerve racking. The collar ought to be chosen depending upon your choices and your puppy’s behavior. For a rather docile puppy, a collar made up of soft cloth is fairly suitable. On the other hand, a stubborn puppy has to be restricted by a fast jerk of a spiked collar. A dog trainer may give you a hand in making the appropriate selection of a dog collar for your loyal canine buddy.

The buckle range is mainly the regular sort of dog collar. A broad selection of cloth may be used to make up a buckle collar, featuring a variety of colors and designs. Your puppy’s name may be stitched on top of the collar for recognition reasons. Buckle collar is made up of a sequence of spaced holes, and the buckle is fixed firmly to arrive at the desired size.

Buckle collar is the most standard type, which can be improved to make sure of additional protection for the puppy. For example, breakaway collars are planned to pull to pieces under excessive trauma. A few collar styles are set with discharge flaps that make sure of a quick taking away of the collar, comparative to the usual buckle style. Such differences may perhaps help out to avoid your puppy from gasping in unexpected state of affairs.

One more collar style is a prong collar, which is fairly of assistance if your puppy is to a certain extent stiff and usually pulls hard while on leash. A prong collar has vertical metal prongs that are spaced in an even way in the region of the inside of the collar. Upon tugging the attached strap, the prongs poke your puppy's neck, in this manner slowing down its disorderly actions. The expression "prong collar" does sound as a bit unsafe for your canine. Nevertheless, when used properly, prong collars by no means cause any harm to the puppy, and are a great deal safer than even other styles of dog collars.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Dog Training Advice

Before starting dog training, it is best that you know your options well. These days you can find many types of dog training, in many different places. These trainings vary in price and each one them has something different to offer.

The first type of dog training is known as puppy preschool. This is a dog training course meant for puppies that are about 6 weeks to 5 months old. These puppy preschool classes generally last for no more than 6 to 8 weeks. In these training sessions, your puppy is essentially taught how to socialize with people and as well as other puppies. Here your puppy also begins to learn how to sit down, stay at a place, and how to come.

The second type of dog training advice is meant for the dogs that are at least 5 months old. This type of dog training is known as the basic dog training. The duration of these classes is usually about 8 to 10 weeks. This is the basic course, where your dog is taught the art of walking properly on a leash, sitting, staying, coming and heeling.

The third type of dog training advice is known as the intermediate dog training. This dog training aims at teaching the dog mostly the same things that are taught in the basic training course, in a more detailed form. Here the dog is trained to stay for a longer span of time, and is also taught to follow the orders given by other people.

The intermediate dog training generally lasts for about 8 to 10 weeks, and is meant for those that are no less than 5 months old. It is essential for the dog to have completed its basic dog training course, or to be accustomed to the basic commands that could have been taught by the owner.

The next type of training course is known as the advanced dog training course. Here, once again, the course is quite similar to its previous one, i.e., the intermediate dog training course, except for the fact that this time it is more detailed. Here, the dog is taught how to sit even without you in the view.

This training course is about 8 to 10 weeks long, and is meant for those that have completed their intermediate training. Here, they are also trained to walk beside their owners without a leash. Moreover, it gradually prepares the dog to take the Canine Good Citizen training course.
The Canine Good Citizen training for dogs is the last course. To pass this course, your dog will be taught the 10 necessary aspects.

This course is strictly meant for those dogs that have completed all the previous courses. The test is quite tough and can only be passed if the dog is really well behaved. Depending on whether your dog can pass, the course can last for several weeks.

Keeping this information in mind, you should be able to decide the dog training course best suited for your dog. However, you may seek the opinion of your local dog trainers to know more. Many trainers consult for free. So now you should be at least a step closer to introducing your dog into a training course!